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How to Get your House Ready to Sell

Posted: May 02,2019

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Earthauz News


Are you planning to sell your house?

Then, you have to prepare your house for selling. You should do the necessary so you will have greater chances of getting a buyer. Here are some of the important steps you have to make before listing your home to online real estate platform like

1. Research the market

We all know that real estate in the Philippines increases or decreases its value depending on the different factors. Make sure you research on the current market value so you won’t be mistaken by the price you will offer. If you need to consult a real estate broker, then do it for your peace of mind.

2. Find a good real estate broker or agent

Talking about broker in the Philippines, if you are planning to seek help and guidance from professionals, ensure that you acquire the one with license and with experience in selling houses. You can either check reputable brokerage companies or real estate platform in the Philippines such as You should meet with them and make a strategic plan on selling your house.

3. It’s time for Deep Cleaning

It’s a popular saying that ‘first impressions last’, so don’t discourage your potential buyers by giving a bad look to your house such as dirty floors, foul smells or even dusty surfaces. You can hire cleaning professionals to do a deep cleaning if necessary, or you can pool your family and friends to help you so it. 

4. Do the fixes

Think of broken bulbs, wall dents, defective faucets, ruined ceiling and even a messy garden. This is the time that in order you house to be pristine-looking, you should be able to finish all the repairs needed to be done. A handyman can do all these things for you.

5.    Depersonalize your home

Yes, there is something sentimental about your wedding portrait and family photos, but it’s time to take them down as you need to remove all things that make your house “belongs to you”. This is a way so the potential buyer can clearly see your house as a clean state and imagine on how they can make it as their own.

5. Consider staging your home

Does your house never changes since your grandma’s interior? Then, you need to make some staging. You should hire a professional wherein they will evaluate and determine what pieces should be removed and can be retained. It’s also important to mix and blend all the pieces together to create a warm, inviting home.

Article from Earthauz Creations 

2812 Park Triangle Corporate Plaza North Tower, 32nd Street corner 11th Avenue, Fort Bonifacio Taguig City, 1634 Metro Manila


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